Stake your Crypto Prophecies NFTs to claim daily rewards and earn while you sleep in the NFT Hotel - The Strong Hodl.
Click the PLAY NOW button to connect using your web 3.0 wallet (MetaMask, Wallet Connect) to create your Crypto Prophecies account and in-game wallet.
Purchase TCP tokens and deposit them from your exchange account or MetaMask wallet directly to your in-game wallet.
Enter the Battle Arena with your Crypto Prophet to wager TCP tokens as you battle opponents in this PvP mode.
Enter the NFT Hotel and check-in your Crypto Prophets and Magic items.
Leave your Crypto Prophets to sleep and your Magic Items to recharge for 12hrs.
Claim your bTCP staking reward and count your riches.
Each NFT has a 12hr cooldown before it can be staked again. Or you can reduce the cooldown using MPOTs.
The NFT Hotel provides a 12 hour stay-over for your Crypto Prophet and Magic Items while they take rest and recharge after battle.
While resting in the NFT Hotel each Crypto Prophet or Magic Item will earn bTCP but the amount they earn is calculated by a number of factors. The rarity, number of other Prophets and Items currently staked and the size of the daily reward pool.
Each Crypto Prophet and Magic Item NFT has 180 check-ins available to it. One check-in is used with every stay in the NFT Hotel.
The APR is calculated in real-time and is shown on each NFT hotel room or underground storage room for Magic Items.
Stake your NFTs in the NFT Hotel to earn slices of the NFT Staking Reward Pool. This pool is generated from 90% of the revenue from NFT sales, so the more NFTs sold, the bigger the reward pool gets.
Emissions are shown in real-time so you can see how much you are earning every minute. The strategic game play of the NFT Hotel is when to stake for the biggest slices.
Each rarity of NFT has set number of slices it can claim from the daily pool. The higher the rarity of NFT, the more slices it has. Upgrade your NFT's rarity to gain more slices of the daily reward pool.